Inaugural Proclamation for National Apprenticeship Week November 8 - 14, 2020 by the PSATC


Inaugural Proclamation for National Apprenticeship Week 2020 by the

Pool and Spa Apprenticeship and Training Committee

Whereas; We are among the newest players on the apprenticeship scene -- the Pool and Spa Apprenticeship and Training Committee (PSATC) -- which for the first time ever in California will be the gold-standard for preparing new pool and spa employees to achieve professional success early, often, and over a career; and

Whereas;  We aim to launch our communications, outreach, and education tools beginning this month, working to get on the map with our new organization in concert with getting on the National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) map for the 2020 NAW observance; and

Whereas; We are developing a coordinated education and training program to ensure that the new people we bring into the pool and spa industry in California are exposed to real-life training and coursework that will ensure they are trained up to gold-standard expectations and requirements of our industry; and

Whereas; Our program is being carefully crafted, with coordination on the education front with the San Joaquin County Office of Education and on the government regulatory compliance side with the State of California’s Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards; and

Whereas; This proclamation represents our strong commitment to the ideals of apprenticeship, reflected in the NAW statement about apprentices that “they create your future workforce, lift up your community, and help grow your business”; and

Whereas; We believe that early exposure to seasoned pros and a comprehensive and focused apprenticeship program will help us build among our trainees pride of profession and loyalty that will help keep them as long-term pool and spa employees; and

Whereas;  We are pleased to have the NAW as a springboard event as we launch our robust effort, aimed to be impactful from the get go, so that we can be more effective in addressing the pressing need  we have to continually replenish the pipeline of energetic, talented, and committed people we need to build company and industry-wide success;

Now, therefore;  the PSATC is pleased to participate in our first NAW celebration that signals our shared belief in the value of apprenticeship programs in better preparing and maintaining a highly-skilled workforce that is capable of meeting the ever-growing demands of the pool and spa industry in California.

Chairman, David J. Hawes—November 8, 2020          


PSATC 1st Webinar Thursday, November 12th @ 3p.m. PST